From a planet many light years away from Earth known as Planet Kougu, comes a princess who loves the subculture on Earth – Nipako! The character is a personification of plastic model nippers created by the metalworking town of Tsubame-Sanjou in Niigata prefecture – her real name is Celine P. Nippern, and now she is joining the Nendoroids! She comes with three different expressions including a confident smile, a triumphant expression that fits with her ‘double nipper’ pose perfectly as well as a crying expression!
The inner cardboard of the packaging comes printed with papercraft for a ‘workstation’ (cardboard box) and a plastic model package to display with Nipako! A 1/144th scale Nipako runner kit is also included for her to try and put together! A special stand that to hold your nippers such as GodHand’s Ultimate Nippers or Good Smile Racing’s ‘MSS-41 Takumi Tools : Ultra-Thin Diagonal Pliers’ is also included for modelers! Add Nipako to your collection and enjoy your modelling life together with the adorable mascot!
Item code: TT26124
Ultimate! Nipako-chan
©Project NIPAKO
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